Art for Water has begun work on its new public participation art installation, River of Words. We go into schools, colleges, clubs, churches, towns, and villages to raise awareness about global water issues and to establish a personal connection to water through creation of a monumental, group art project.
More than one billion people currently live without access to clean water and more than two billion do not have basic sanitation. Millions of people die every year from preventable, water-related diseases because they do not have access to clean water. Scarcity, pollution, poverty, privatization, and climate change have brewed up a perfect storm. By 2025 the demand for clean water will exceed the supply by 56%.
River of Words calls attention to the impact of climate change on weather patterns. The earth has been expressing great discontent through dramatic weather events, most of which involve water. Art for Water asks the question: If the earth uses water to communicate and we use words, how are words like water? After examining this question, we then give audiences beautiful sheets of paper, that have been generously donated by Mohawk Fine Papers, Monadnock Paper Mills, and Neenah Paper, to tear into serpentine shapes and write their thoughts, memories, feelings, or poems about water. Each piece of paper will be attached to form a giant river of words. River of Words will be exhibited at the Sharon Arts Exhibition Gallery in Peterborough, NH from March through April of 2011. It will be a living installation in that visitors to the gallery will be invited to contribute to the river so that it will keep flowing and growing.
Art for Water has created an electronic presentation for River of Words so that anyone, anywhere can participate. If you would like to contribute to the river, if you know of any group, class, club, or organization that would like to participate, or if you would like the River of Words to visit your community, please contact Christine Destrempes at cdestrempes@myfairpoint.net.